If you have yet to see this, you should.
How smart of a 12 year old!!!
If I saw myself when I saw 12 years old, I'll tell myself to believe in myself.
Live my life the way I did, and don't regret anything.
Regardless if it turns out to be a bad choice or not.
Because whatever I encountered, made me who I am today.
And I love myself, who I am now.
I think my 12 year old would be proud of the 20 years old me.
But I really hoped that I have written more,
so that I can remember what I used to think.
When I was younger, I used to write diaries.
BUT my father would always find it and read them out loud.
The thing is, I am very weak with language then.
What I wrote is always filled with grammar mistakes,
spelling mistakes, lack of vocabulary,
and mixed with English, Chinese and Singlish.
And my dad would read them out loud!!!
To my brother and sister......
OMG! It was so embarrassing, so I stopped writing anymore.
A pity actually, I would love to know and recall how I feel about somethings.
And I am really glad to be writing a blog now.
So that the future me would hopefully not be so forgetful about certain things.
I used to have another blog.
Written by younger me, probably 4 years ago.
hmm... I can't go in anymore.
That was before blogger changed, before google came in.
I can't change what I wrote there, but it is very fun to read and realized how much I have grown.
And the very funny thing is that my sister had a blog too.
It is http://boo-shyt.blogspot.sg/
I didn't know that when I created the blog, what a coincidence.
No wonder we are sisters. =]
For my future self,
I really wonder what you are doing with your life now.
I hope and pray that you are happy.
And always know that God is there with you.
P.S. I hope you have a good saving now, for the house we have always dreamed of.
God Bless!
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Friday, 28 September 2012
God has no Favorite
My life has been blessed by God.
I think I grew up well.
I think God grown me up well.
(And I feel like a plant now)
I am quite a self-absorbed person,
often living in my own little world.
Personally, I think that I love myself too much to the point that it is disgusting.
But God still loves me, for who I am.
Just as how God loves the rest of humanity.
God has no favorite.
You may have constantly obey God, living life for Him, making him happy.
Well Done! God loves you.
But it does not make Him love you any more than He already has.
Because He loves you so much that it is the greatest and there is no greater love.
You might still be living in Sin.
God hates sin but he loves sinners.
He loves us so much that he created us in his own image and give us our own will.
Whatever you do wrong or don't do right, does not make Him love you less.
Because His love covers a multitude of sin.
In God's eyes, you are not better than the rest of the world.
Not your education or knowledge will put you in a higher position to God.
So always humble yourself and allow God to do lead you.
And give back the glory to God.
Nor are you any worst than others.
No matter if you are poor or have the suckiest job will make any difference to God.
Our God is not so shallow.
He don't see only from our outside shell,
He looks at our heart attitudes.
God is the one who gives us what we have.
How wealthy and successful we should become,
how pretty or handsome we look,
how talented we are,
what kind of family we were born to.
the education we get,
So if God were to judge on these things,
He would be judging Himself.
Instead, God made us in His image and give us free will.
And His judgement is based on our hearts.
If God were to make us in his image and make us obey him whether we liked it or not,
We would just be puppets He made and God will still be judging Himself.
Out of love, God created us.
Out of love, He give us free will to live our lives.
Out of love, He always have a plan for us and wants the best for us.
And the best plan for us is customized,
His plans are designed for each and every person differently,
and they are unique.
There is no point in envying someone else,
Because His best plans for others might not be His best plan for you.
And don't worry, our God is not a forgetful God.
He leaves no one out.
Thank you God for your endless love.
I pray that You'll let your will be done and grow me as You deem fit.
I also pray that You will always remind us to not focus on what we don't have,
but put our focus on what You have already blessed us with.
I pray that You'll help us to not judge based on our differences,
but recognized that your love for each one of us is deeper than oceans and higher than the mountains,
and help us love each one another just as You have loved us.
Thank you Heavenly Father, in your might name,
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Interest: Cosplaying
Realized that I didn't post much picture of myself.
So here is some zi lian time.
Myself, doing something I like doing.
My first cosplay.
Tsumugi Kotobuki from Kei-On!
School uniform version
2nd cosplay.
Tsumugi Kotobuki from Kei-On! 2
Ending version
3rd cosplay.
Butler, freestyle.
4th cosplay.
Leafeon from Pokemon.
Humaniod verson
5th cosplay.
Prince from 1/2 Prince.
Manga version
I started learning make up for cosplay.
But now that I stopped cosplaying,
I'm teaching my juniors in school Halloween Makeup
and doing make up for my friends who are still cosplaying.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Future in Planning: My Funeral
Yesterday, we had attend a funeral of a distant relative.
In our bloodline, most are traditional chinese.
When I was told that we are going to attend a funeral,
Joss sticks was one of the first things that popped into my head.
I'll be paying my respects, but I don't want to hold a joss stick.
It kills my zealousness for God.
I was thinking of how to tell my parents
and get away with not holding the joss sticks till the very last minute
and I entered the room.
I give my thanks to you, Mr Lee.
And of course, Thank God.
It is like a semi-christian funeral. No joss stick.
I have been informed that Mr Lee is a free thinker,
But looking at the set, you must have like Jesus too.
Although I am not sure how close you are to Him,
I pray that you are with Him now, at peace.
Through the wake, I realised that my family don't really know anything about a Christian funeral.
Makes me worried....
I'm going to plan my funeral as if it is my wedding.
Because I truly believe that God loves me.
When I die, I'll be dying in this earthly body in His timing.
I'll be going back home to God.
And to me, it is an event to rejoice.
Even more so than my actual wedding itself. (If I ever gets married)
Because I am the only Chirstian in my family, (I'm praying for family converts)
I thought that I should at least leave some instructions behind if God decides to bring me home earlier,
for my quite clueless-about-Christ-and-inclined-to-be-a-little-bit-traditional family.
To be honest, I too do not know what a proper Christian funeral is like,
I'll just do it my way.
And hopefully, God approves of it.
Firstly, the "No,thanks".
No joss sticks
No burning incense
No chanting
No ahmitoufuo
I want a funeral that honours my God.
I heard that instead of joss sticks, people offer flowers.
I love flowers. =]
And a bible would be placed on the front table.
Also, some things I like, Choppar? Maybe???
Secondly, the timings.
Let's have a ceremony.
If it is on a weekday, then around 8PM.
If it is on a weekend, then around 1PM.
Really hoped that the people who matters to me can attend.
I would like to give a last speech and thank them for the wonderful life I have had.
(Not directly from me, maybe my sister can read it out for me. Mun Please?)
I should be hiding what I wanted to say somewhere in my room.
I shouldn't be boastful but I'm really awesome at hide and seek.
I just hope that someone will find it before the ceremony.
hmm... I have seen in movies that you give affirmation to the dead.
Yup, we should do that too.
But I rather you say it to me while I'm still healthy and breathing.
Again, my family, I don't think they know what to do for this section.
It would be great if a brother or sister in Christ could lead this part.
Thirdly, the venue.
Just under the block or the multi-purpose hall will do.
Traditional chinese furnerals would last at least 3 to 7 days.
But seriously?
If you can prepare and have the ceremony within 1 day,
I think that's all I need.
The tomb and table, flowers and a bible.
Chairs for visitors and drinks by the side.
Some fans around.
Yup, one day is enough.
Besides, in singapore where weather is hot and humid not matter what season it is,
I don't think that the body can be kept long.
And no matter if it is work or school, I don't want to keep my family from what they were doing.
And don't waste too much money on the funeral.
I don't want a air-coned tomb. Not necessary in my opinion.
Just put a pack of plain water beside me in the tomb.
I have heard people waking up for a glass of water and I don't want to scared you if I do that too.
So I'll just find the water beside me for a drink and try not to bother you.
Fourthly, the people.
I'll keep a list of guest around.
And probably their contact information too.
It should be around somewhere in the room.
After the cremation, I think it would be best to throw away the ashes.
I've thought before of throwing it into the sea, but it would cause pollution.
And I don't think it is legal.
I don't want it to be kept at a temple, like my ancestors.
How many times must I emphsize that I am a Christian?
I think it's creepy to keep it at home...
So just throw it away.
Since I don't think it'll be needed anyway.
Just in case if you are wondering as you read this post,
I am not going to commit sucide.
So although I'm thankful, please don't worry about me.
And this post is for the benefit of my family if I were to leave before them.
I just pray that I will be able to complete what He wants me to do before time's up.
I pray that if I had a sudden death, the people around me would be happy for me to gain a perfect life eternally instead of focusing over the lost of my time here on earth.
I also, pray that that people I know, I'll see them again in Heaven.
Well, this is if I die before Jesus comes back the second time.
God bless.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
God's peace upon me
I overslept this morning.
Normaly, I would have taken a taxi to rush to work,
but as I was pushing myself off the bed and preparing for work,
something in me just prompt me to take the usual route.
I wasn't rushing to get out of the door too,
Not sure why but I didn't think that I need to be in a hurry.
From home to the nearest bustop at my work place is 4 bustops.
Around 20 mins, including the walk to the bustop,
the waiting time for the bus and morning traffic jams around the area.
Also the company is located deep inside the industrial park, very ulu area,
walking in takes another 20-30 mins.
The total time going to work takes around 40-50 mins.
I got out of the house at 7.50AM,
need to reach the company and slide my card before 8.30AM.
40 mins for the trip.
Actually 39 mins to be exact.
If we slide in at 8.30AM, we will be counted as late.
So 8.29AM or before.
I really shouldn't have taken the chance and just take the taxi.
Like normal working adults, being late is bad for records.
And my salary is on the line.
I can't describe how it feels to be so calm when you really shouldn't.
But I can definately say that this peace is not from me.
It is from something within me, from the Holy Spirit, from God.
I'm telling you it must be God.
God is with me from the time He opened my eyes to the alarm clock that didn't go off.
God is with me as I tried to reason why I should be taking the taxi as I walked towards the bustop.
God is smiling upon me as I decided to keep faith and carry on.
God's peace is with me as he walked beside me on my way to the company.
His grace is upon me, and I truly believed that he had slowed down the time so that I get to work on time.
Did not need to run.
Did not need to jay walk, but wait for the red light to turn green.
I slide my card at 8.28AM.
Just on time, and just like how He had planned.
This is just a small thing in everyday life.
But no matter how small your worry is, and no matter how small what you care about,
God knows it and He understands it.
He cares for what you care.
Have some faith!
And you'll see how amazing God's grace is.
God Blessed
God Bless
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 NLT)
Monday, 10 September 2012
The un-tour (free and easy)
After the tour guides dropped us at the hotel, and we are free!!!!
Checked in the hotel for a rest and we gathered to plan for the rest of the trip.
My friends and I, who shared the same room,
soaked our legs in the bathtub chatting and waiting for the others to get ready for dinner.
^^ bathtub~~
I really want a bathtub when I get my own house next time.
We went back to the shopping mall that we had spent only 20 mins earlier before,
to settle our dinner because it was the nearest one.
I'm sure you know KFC, there is also BFC there.
Best fried chicken, we walked around and couldn't find anything else that was as interesting,
so we ate there.
Their chilli is awesome.
My Indonesian friend said that they don't sell it,
because it expires in a day so they would have to make them fresh everyday.
There are also lots of ingredients and lots of work to make the chilli.
We went around shopping, the things there are not much different from Singapore.
At least, what they have in the shopping malls.
And Then, We went out to the streets.
And it's there.
Their life and culture.
Something I have been looking forward too.

We bought some street food for supper, they are super delicious!
Another worrying thing is that they don't keep check of their hygiene.
Make sure to have some pills with you
if you have been living in such a clean environment your whole life and if you think you can't take it.
A little dirt is good for you, and besides the food is too yummy to be missed out.
There is this dish that is lontong, with beehoon noodles, koropok and an amazing peanut sauce.
The smells and taste delicious!
Though it looks quite messy, it is actually nice.
It's called kepotprak.
We also eat the crayfish, with their chilli sauce.
Loved by my local friend. You can eat the small bones since they are so soft.
We are only left with the middle bone and some parts of the head by the time we are finish.
The chicken and mutton satay, lontong.
Eat them together with the satay peanut sauce.
I should have bought more...
There is this bread desert. They made it super slowly, but it was worth the wait.
I've got no idea what it is called.
They used the bun of the hotdog bread, slice it in half to make a sandwich (from the sides, not the top),
spread lots of butter both sides.
Then, one side your choice of chocolate rice or jams and the other side warmed up banana.
Sandwich them up together and pan fry them in a very well buttered pan on very low heat until the chocolate melts.
Press them into a flat rectangular box and cut into bite size pieces. So nice!
I'll try making them myself soon. =]
Banana and chocolate, what a good pairing.

That's what we did on the first day.
The next morning, BREAKFAST!
It is awesome!!! A little of everything and I ate a lot, I am happy. =]
There is noodles, fried bee hoon, coconut rice, porridge with lots of toppings of your choice, toast, salads, sausages and omelettes, cereals and milk, there's even Japanese rice and miso soup.
They have this drink that is at the fruits and desserts section. It is good for your health, but it taste weird.
Not used the star anise taste.

We didn't follow the tour bus back to the ferry station and we opted for the last ride home so that we can spend more time there.
The transportation isn't that much of a problem.
Their taxis don't have the taxi sign on top.
But there are many taxis outside the hotel.
As soon as we step out of the hotel, they'll ask if you need a ride.
It is good to travel with friends because we can share cab fees.
We can also buy a lot of different kind of food and not be afraid of wasting them.
We wanted to play archery or paint ball but one is too far and the other is out of budget.
So we went back to the go krat area.
There wasn't as much people as the day before so the operators there had let us play longer than the allocated time. Probably twice as long.
All the people on the track are all people we know, so it is much more fun playing with strangers.
We can laugh and make fun of each other to our hearts content.
I came on this 2 day 1 night trip with 6 others from my poly CCA, the Japanese culture club.
And as expected from cosplayers, their poses are cool shit! =D

We went to the mega mall near the ferry station for our lunch and kill time to wait for the boat.
And shopping too.
Although most things they sell there are available in Singapore,
and the pricing isn't that much different, there are other things to do too.
And like many other visitors, we went to check out the A&W,
TOO BAD that their gas machine is down, no gas drinks,
the only thing I wanted to try was their A&W float. =[
We went shopping at the basement, their hypermarket. It was cool.
Though you have to be careful, they don't allow bagpacks or more than one bag in,
so you'll have to check them at the counter near the entrance.
They have an eatery within the hypermart.
My friend got me some bakso soup, and fried siewmai which comes with the peanut sauce.

I swear, anything you add to the peanut sauce will taste delicious. No kidding.
Too bad they don't sell the peanut sauce too. T-T

I 打抱 home some fried siewmai, and they wrapped it up pretty nicely.
Bought a bunch of maggie mee (My friend got herself a basket full) and some passion fruit. =]
Like trying new things that are nice.
Soon, we got damned bored.
We finally settled down in this awesome area.
Why don't they have this is the malls in Singapore???
Waiting for the last few minutes for us to check into the ferry station.
Checked in the hotel for a rest and we gathered to plan for the rest of the trip.
My friends and I, who shared the same room,
soaked our legs in the bathtub chatting and waiting for the others to get ready for dinner.
^^ bathtub~~
I really want a bathtub when I get my own house next time.
We went back to the shopping mall that we had spent only 20 mins earlier before,
to settle our dinner because it was the nearest one.
I'm sure you know KFC, there is also BFC there.
Best fried chicken, we walked around and couldn't find anything else that was as interesting,
so we ate there.
Their chilli is awesome.
My Indonesian friend said that they don't sell it,
because it expires in a day so they would have to make them fresh everyday.
There are also lots of ingredients and lots of work to make the chilli.
We went around shopping, the things there are not much different from Singapore.
At least, what they have in the shopping malls.
And Then, We went out to the streets.
And it's there.
Their life and culture.
Something I have been looking forward too.

We bought some street food for supper, they are super delicious!
Another worrying thing is that they don't keep check of their hygiene.
Make sure to have some pills with you
if you have been living in such a clean environment your whole life and if you think you can't take it.
A little dirt is good for you, and besides the food is too yummy to be missed out.
There is this dish that is lontong, with beehoon noodles, koropok and an amazing peanut sauce.
The smells and taste delicious!
Though it looks quite messy, it is actually nice.
It's called kepotprak.
We also eat the crayfish, with their chilli sauce.
Loved by my local friend. You can eat the small bones since they are so soft.
We are only left with the middle bone and some parts of the head by the time we are finish.
The chicken and mutton satay, lontong.
Eat them together with the satay peanut sauce.
I should have bought more...
There is this bread desert. They made it super slowly, but it was worth the wait.
I've got no idea what it is called.
They used the bun of the hotdog bread, slice it in half to make a sandwich (from the sides, not the top),
spread lots of butter both sides.
Then, one side your choice of chocolate rice or jams and the other side warmed up banana.
Sandwich them up together and pan fry them in a very well buttered pan on very low heat until the chocolate melts.
Press them into a flat rectangular box and cut into bite size pieces. So nice!
I'll try making them myself soon. =]
Banana and chocolate, what a good pairing.

That's what we did on the first day.
The next morning, BREAKFAST!

It is awesome!!! A little of everything and I ate a lot, I am happy. =]
There is noodles, fried bee hoon, coconut rice, porridge with lots of toppings of your choice, toast, salads, sausages and omelettes, cereals and milk, there's even Japanese rice and miso soup.
They have this drink that is at the fruits and desserts section. It is good for your health, but it taste weird.
Not used the star anise taste.

We didn't follow the tour bus back to the ferry station and we opted for the last ride home so that we can spend more time there.
The transportation isn't that much of a problem.
Their taxis don't have the taxi sign on top.
But there are many taxis outside the hotel.
As soon as we step out of the hotel, they'll ask if you need a ride.
It is good to travel with friends because we can share cab fees.
We can also buy a lot of different kind of food and not be afraid of wasting them.
We wanted to play archery or paint ball but one is too far and the other is out of budget.
So we went back to the go krat area.
There wasn't as much people as the day before so the operators there had let us play longer than the allocated time. Probably twice as long.
All the people on the track are all people we know, so it is much more fun playing with strangers.
We can laugh and make fun of each other to our hearts content.
I came on this 2 day 1 night trip with 6 others from my poly CCA, the Japanese culture club.
And as expected from cosplayers, their poses are cool shit! =D

We went to the mega mall near the ferry station for our lunch and kill time to wait for the boat.
And shopping too.
Although most things they sell there are available in Singapore,
and the pricing isn't that much different, there are other things to do too.
And like many other visitors, we went to check out the A&W,
TOO BAD that their gas machine is down, no gas drinks,
the only thing I wanted to try was their A&W float. =[

We went shopping at the basement, their hypermarket. It was cool.
Though you have to be careful, they don't allow bagpacks or more than one bag in,
so you'll have to check them at the counter near the entrance.
They have an eatery within the hypermart.
My friend got me some bakso soup, and fried siewmai which comes with the peanut sauce.

I swear, anything you add to the peanut sauce will taste delicious. No kidding.
Too bad they don't sell the peanut sauce too. T-T

I 打抱 home some fried siewmai, and they wrapped it up pretty nicely.
Bought a bunch of maggie mee (My friend got herself a basket full) and some passion fruit. =]
Like trying new things that are nice.
Soon, we got damned bored.
We finally settled down in this awesome area.
Why don't they have this is the malls in Singapore???

Waiting for the last few minutes for us to check into the ferry station.
And we are on our way home.
So tired...... and there's work the next day too.....
I came on this trip to relax.....
but still.... I want to sleep more...
God bless you who are going on a trip.
Have a safe journey and have fun!
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
The tour
If you are on a budget for the trip, then you'll probably get the same package as me.
Funny that I see many people coming to Batam going to the same tour, same places.
Taking the same photos.
Do they only have these places to go to?
I don't think so, and I don't think tourist would want to go to the same tour twice.
Once to these places is enough for me.
So here is what we did.
Firstly, we were brought to a polo store.
I'm not interested at all, so I'll not talk about it.
Then we went to a chocolate shop.

A lot of chocolate to try ^^
I brought this really nice mango biscuits (but I should buy some chocolates at a chocolate store...)

Next stop was a temple.
Didn't really go in, just stayed outside which was a pleasant surprise.
The sky here is really clear and sunny.

Though the weather is about the same as Singapore, it is probably because there are no tall HDB flats or office buildings blocking the view of the sky, it made the view looks wider. As if the sky here is bigger.

After that we went to their Dry market where we buy koropok.
I bought a lot, my dad says that if I am to buy something back buy those.
But you'll need to pay extra attention to not crush them into small pieces.
There are so many kinds, it's kind of amusing.
Then, we passed by a kway lapis store which the tour guide told us
that they are bringing us there because it is near that area where we are going to eat lunch.
Kway lapis, the direct translation of the Chinese name is 'a thousand layered cake'.
(but i don't think there is a thousand layers)
It is like their representing food.
You see them everywhere.
And because it requires lots of effort to bake the cake layers by layers,
it is a little pricey if you are on a budget trip.
If you are planning to buy some back, one whole cake is around 25-27SGD.
But of course, make sure you change enough rupiah,
since most things will be cheaper there in rupiah.
Ever since the start of the tour, I was hungry.
My friends were also hungry too.
They didn't eat much in the morning,
since they are afraid that they'll vomit during the ferry ride.
And I don't normally eat breakfast.
Anyway, we were really hungry and thank god for all those samplings.
From chocolate to koropok and kway lapis, we eat and try all those samples.
There are surprisingly a lot of stuff to stuff your mouth with.
And then, finally! Our seafood lunch.
It is at a really pretty place, but there are quite a lot of mosquitoes.

Even though we were hungry, the food isn't that fantastic.
They are not bad, edible, but I wish we had when somewhere else instead.
They have ridiculously large clams!
There is also a performance show.

Go krat.
I really shouldn't go learn driving.
I like speeding too much. =P
The sun, by now, is blazingly hot.
And very much to our surprise, playing the go krat proved to be a good decision.
The wind cools down your body immediately as you start driving.

I was kind of worried about wearing the stinky helmet but it wasn't that bad at all,
we were given hair nets and the helmets were not stinky.
This cost around 100K rupiah.

If you are not interested in the exciting game,
you can go the the miniature park and experience being giants.
Or if you are sleepy from the lunch you have just eaten and the weather is making you tired easily,
you can just stay in the bus to rest.
Massage. It lasted one full hour.
It is freaking cool. This place.
They had lots of beds in a room like a big hall, each separated with curtains.
I don't normally like people touching me but it's a great experience!
I came on this trip to relax and I am glad to get the massage.
Although it is a little painful at times, it is good pain.
The lady says I'm too stressful. > < Life in Singapore.....
We were brought to the shopping mall next.
We've got 20 mins, what's there to shop?!?
T-T we need more time.
The last stop is the hotel. Mercure.
Looks not bad, I didn't see the pictures before I came
but my friend said that it looks like what they had shown.
There is a bathtub too.
Although the lift is a little small, it doesn't bother me much.
Every time when I go overseas, I always look forward to hotel breakfast!
Most will serve breakfast buffet style and I am so looking forward~~~
Weird coming from someone who don't eat breakfast,
but I'm excited nevertheless.
God bless you!
Thank god for the trip.
Funny that I see many people coming to Batam going to the same tour, same places.
Taking the same photos.
Do they only have these places to go to?
I don't think so, and I don't think tourist would want to go to the same tour twice.
Once to these places is enough for me.
So here is what we did.
Firstly, we were brought to a polo store.
I'm not interested at all, so I'll not talk about it.
Then we went to a chocolate shop.

A lot of chocolate to try ^^
I brought this really nice mango biscuits (but I should buy some chocolates at a chocolate store...)

Next stop was a temple.
Didn't really go in, just stayed outside which was a pleasant surprise.
The sky here is really clear and sunny.

Though the weather is about the same as Singapore, it is probably because there are no tall HDB flats or office buildings blocking the view of the sky, it made the view looks wider. As if the sky here is bigger.

After that we went to their Dry market where we buy koropok.
I bought a lot, my dad says that if I am to buy something back buy those.
But you'll need to pay extra attention to not crush them into small pieces.
There are so many kinds, it's kind of amusing.
Then, we passed by a kway lapis store which the tour guide told us
that they are bringing us there because it is near that area where we are going to eat lunch.
Kway lapis, the direct translation of the Chinese name is 'a thousand layered cake'.
(but i don't think there is a thousand layers)
It is like their representing food.
You see them everywhere.
And because it requires lots of effort to bake the cake layers by layers,
it is a little pricey if you are on a budget trip.
If you are planning to buy some back, one whole cake is around 25-27SGD.
But of course, make sure you change enough rupiah,
since most things will be cheaper there in rupiah.
Ever since the start of the tour, I was hungry.
My friends were also hungry too.
They didn't eat much in the morning,
since they are afraid that they'll vomit during the ferry ride.
And I don't normally eat breakfast.
Anyway, we were really hungry and thank god for all those samplings.
From chocolate to koropok and kway lapis, we eat and try all those samples.
There are surprisingly a lot of stuff to stuff your mouth with.
And then, finally! Our seafood lunch.
It is at a really pretty place, but there are quite a lot of mosquitoes.

Even though we were hungry, the food isn't that fantastic.
They are not bad, edible, but I wish we had when somewhere else instead.
They have ridiculously large clams!

There is also a performance show.

Go krat.
I really shouldn't go learn driving.
I like speeding too much. =P
The sun, by now, is blazingly hot.
And very much to our surprise, playing the go krat proved to be a good decision.
The wind cools down your body immediately as you start driving.

I was kind of worried about wearing the stinky helmet but it wasn't that bad at all,
we were given hair nets and the helmets were not stinky.
This cost around 100K rupiah.

If you are not interested in the exciting game,
you can go the the miniature park and experience being giants.
Or if you are sleepy from the lunch you have just eaten and the weather is making you tired easily,
you can just stay in the bus to rest.
Massage. It lasted one full hour.
It is freaking cool. This place.
They had lots of beds in a room like a big hall, each separated with curtains.
I don't normally like people touching me but it's a great experience!
I came on this trip to relax and I am glad to get the massage.
Although it is a little painful at times, it is good pain.
The lady says I'm too stressful. > < Life in Singapore.....
We were brought to the shopping mall next.
We've got 20 mins, what's there to shop?!?
T-T we need more time.
The last stop is the hotel. Mercure.
Looks not bad, I didn't see the pictures before I came
but my friend said that it looks like what they had shown.
There is a bathtub too.
Although the lift is a little small, it doesn't bother me much.
Every time when I go overseas, I always look forward to hotel breakfast!
Most will serve breakfast buffet style and I am so looking forward~~~
Weird coming from someone who don't eat breakfast,
but I'm excited nevertheless.
God bless you!
Thank god for the trip.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Gaining one hour (off to Batam)
The waters are pretty under the sun.
Escaping from my lovely country for the time being.

We went along with the waves and current, so the boat ride wasn't bumpy enough to make me sick.
A few months ago, I went to Thailand krabi, the ocean there is so beautiful. There is nothing at the horizon, just the sky and the sea, you cant even see far away land.
But in Singapore, there are vessels everywhere. The shores here are so busy. I study logistics, so I kind of find them interesting. But to others, they are probably just block the sea view.

Even if we were out of the Singapore seas, because all the neighbouring countries are so near each other, there is never a chance to find a clear ocean in this area... =[
I love that the sky is very far, but it looks as if you can touch it if you stretch out your hand, the soft blue colour.
I love the clouds floating at their own pace, together with the wind, never stressing and never hurrying.
I love the sea which is darker and greener than the sky. Sparkling wherever the sunlight hits.
Seeing these 3 together brings me such peace, and I'm amazed by God creation.
This is such a lovely place to be.
Throughout the hour ride, I just stared out the window. =]
One hour later, we are here at batam!
Very looking forward to what we are going to do here~

Escaping from my lovely country for the time being.

We went along with the waves and current, so the boat ride wasn't bumpy enough to make me sick.
A few months ago, I went to Thailand krabi, the ocean there is so beautiful. There is nothing at the horizon, just the sky and the sea, you cant even see far away land.
But in Singapore, there are vessels everywhere. The shores here are so busy. I study logistics, so I kind of find them interesting. But to others, they are probably just block the sea view.

Even if we were out of the Singapore seas, because all the neighbouring countries are so near each other, there is never a chance to find a clear ocean in this area... =[
I love that the sky is very far, but it looks as if you can touch it if you stretch out your hand, the soft blue colour.
I love the clouds floating at their own pace, together with the wind, never stressing and never hurrying.
I love the sea which is darker and greener than the sky. Sparkling wherever the sunlight hits.
Seeing these 3 together brings me such peace, and I'm amazed by God creation.
This is such a lovely place to be.
Throughout the hour ride, I just stared out the window. =]
One hour later, we are here at batam!
Very looking forward to what we are going to do here~
Logistic hub,
Singapore Sea,
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