Sunday 26 August 2012

The art of card writing

Be it for birthdays, Christmas, special occasions, or a simple message of encouragement,
writing and giving a card is definitely a very good way of expressing yourself,
showing that you care for the other party.

Right now, where there's phones, facebook and twitter.
Happy Birthday messages comes so easily.
There'll will even be a notification from facebook that will remind you to wish someone a happy birthday.
So, who are the ones who really cares and who are the ones who just happened to care?

I think it is important for our part to intentionally show that you care for the other party,
especially your loved ones. (You'll never know or realise how much it could mean to them)
And other than presents, you could also write a card.
It shows that you cared enough to take your time,
pick up a card(or make it yourself), and think of what to write.
For people whose love language are words of encouragement,
it is truly the thing you can do to move their hearts.


I never knew that cards can touch a person's heart until I started going to church.
It is not that I have never received cards before,
but they really made me appreciates the cards a lot.

Normally, we would just write a 'Happy Birthday!' or 'Stay happy always~' or 'Stay cool~' or 'Wish you all the best!'
I mean, What else to write?
What else can we write?

You've got no idea?
I'm giving you some...

1. Greetings.
Of course, like any decent cards, start off with a 'Hello', 'Dear Friend'.

2. Purpose of the card.
'Happy Birthday'/'Happy Mother's Day'/'Happy Holiday'/'Jiayou!'

3. Why would you care.
'It has been great knowing you'
'It has been a blessing knowing you'
'Thank God for you!'
I don't know why you would write a card personally if you didn't think so.

4. Good things to say.
Let's not be stingy with our words. They are free anyways.
You'll need to help them to understand why has it been great knowing them.
Since people are sometimes unaware of their behavior and habits,
it would be good to help them point it out.
To act as an encouragement for them to continue doing so and help them know themselves better.
People need more affirmation since the world is already so filled with negativity.
'You are a very supportive friend'
'Your cheerfulness always made my day'
'I am very encouraged by your preservances'

You can write about their good traits, good habits,
good deeds they do or what they had done that you'll always remember them in a good light.
Let them know that they are being appreciated and not taken for granted.
Obiviously,it is meant to be something more personal.

5. Thanksgiving.
Be it giving thanks to a teacher, your parents, thanking them for being your friends or for putting up with you.
Acknowledge their good efforts.

6. Encouragement.
They need it. A simple JiaYou.
Actually what you would have writen so far would have already been encouraging enough.
But it is always good to tell them to hang in there.
It would be good to add in an encouraging quote you might know.
It's okay if you don't have one, don't need to try too hard.

7. Offer yourself.
Not your body! Your time and help.
A listening ear maybe?
Just tell them that you'll be there for them if they need you.
You got to let them know that they are not alone.

Not compulsory but it is good to show your support.

8. Reminder.
the purpose of the card.
'Happy teacher's day'
'Happy Valentine's day'
'Happy i-don't-know-what-else day'

9. Best wishes.
'with lots of love'
and you sign off.

By now, you should have lots of things to write, like a letter.
However, the important thing here is to take your time and write with sincerity.
Then you can pray that your message would gets across.

You don't have to follow the sequence, as long as it makes sense.
Hope that it would help you with your card writing. =]

God Bless~

Saturday 25 August 2012

Over a long weekend...

Last week, there's was a public holiday in Singapore.
Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends =] (Although it is belated)

Ever since I graduated, I have yet to have a holiday... Cries...
I want my holiday back~~~~~

Thank God for the long weekend.
Was able to have a fruitful time spent with friends.
Also, was able to finish something meaningful, the senbazuru.

So, I was super looking forward to the break.
And made some plans on what to do.

1. Getting started with my Japanese Language.
Not sure if I mentioned it before, I am quite interested in topics concerning Japan.
=] And I have always wanted to learn their language.
The procrastination had been very strong, but I went back to my club from poly.
They are restarting their Japanese Language Labs and I'll be able to study with them!
Have people who have proper knowledge to learn from... =]
Thank God for them.

2. Senbazuru.
As you may know, I completed it.
If you don't, why are you reading backwards?
People normally reading their books from chapter 1, but... hmm... 
haha... just kidding.. go and read the previous post. 

3. The Harry Potter Exhibition.
I have been waiting for so long!!!!!!!
Did I mentioned I love reading?
And I have a fetish with books that come in a series.
Without a doubt, Harry Potter is famous world wide. 
The books and the movies have leave a deep mark on the theater screen as we watch our favorite trio grow up with their each and every movie. They made their legend.  

And I am so excited!


I want to go there, at least once in my life. 

Too bad we were not able to take any pictures. But we did sneak some that is on display outside of the set.
It was a really enjoyable experience, recapping the entire story, characters, some of the most memorable scenes in the movie.

The sound effect is freaking awesome, I got crept out!
The atmosphere there is so magical and it boils blood.
Their dressing style, their bedrooms, their wands, the things they had, the people they met, the things they did, the place they went to, and their food. It is awesome.
I especially like their food and snacks! The things that Fred and George introduced.
Remember the fever/puking/dizzy sweets? Best things for you to get an MC and skip classes. 
I wished they would sell some of their ice-cream too.....

Although all we did was to see and look, and walk around a littler(still, the exhibition area is quite small), 
it was quite tiring. Trying to memorize every we saw, I would have aced my course if I was half as passionate with my studies.

A great place for Harry Potter fans to experience what our beloved characters have gone through. =]
Despite it being smaller than I had imagine, it was enough to bring me into their world for that period of time

4. The Brave Movie.
Disney really lives up to their name, they did it again.
An amazing movie.
This time it is not about BGR, it's about family.

Love the little brothers, love their accent, love the ghostly wisp with hands, love how messy her hair is.
Love the way the mother learnt how to survived from the daughter, and love the way the princess grow up with the queen as an example.
Although the story is predictable, love how it moves people and touches their hearts.

Really heartwarming, it is not the usual princess and prince story.
It calls out to something deeper, and is relevant to everyone.
If you haven't watch it, you should.
I strongly recommend it.
There is a good sense of humor, great character growth, and a touching relationship.

Disney, great movies for families, as always.

Hope that you had have a fruitful weekend too. =]
God Bless~

Saturday 18 August 2012

Making a senbazuru (an extremely overdued project)

Some time ago, around mid of last year (or probably earlier)
I was given a big bag of paper cranes and been tasked to tread it into a senbazuru.

It is a 1000 paper cranes, an offering in exchange for a wish, according to Japanese beliefs.
Usually a wish for health of someone.

At that time, the club I was in (Temasek Japanese Cultural Club) was having a donation drive,
together with the senbazuru project for the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan.

It was really long ago.......
And I've finally finished it (After so long of procrastination)

Here's how I did it

Things needed:
- lots of paper cranes 
- a needle
- a roll of thread
- some beads

Beads that are not too small, and the ones with holes so that you can thread them.

You will also need a hook or a ring to bundle everything up.


1. Thread the needle with the string going as long as your arm could reach.
Since there are probably a lot of cranes to be thread, 
you can make each strand longer and have lesser strands.
Also, it depends on the size of the cranes.
If they are generally bigger, longer threads can help in reducing the number of strands of cranes, 
making the entire bundle not to fat and fluffy.

2. before you tie a knot at the end of the thread, insert a bead and tie a dead knot twice.
It acts as a stopper for the paper cranes, which tears easily, 
cranes will have lesser chance of dropping off from the bottom later.

3. Insert the needle through the opening of the paper crane from the bottom.

4. Poke a hole through the top of the body.

5. Slide the crane to the end of the thread and keep stacking them one on top of another.
It looks like a dragon-or-some-sort.

6. When you almost reach the top of the strand, make a lope so that you can hook it.
And continue this until all the paper cranes strands are threaded.

You can be as creative as you want in your colour combination. 

Cranes number count: exactly 1000.
It's quite heavy actually...

In times where our loved ones are in pain because of health, 
there is really much we can do.
While they are struggling to cope with their illness, 
you can keep reminding them that they are not alone and keep praying for them.

There are no prayers too soft to be unheard by God.
Be faithful in your prayers, and trust in His timing and His plans.

God Bless.

Thursday 16 August 2012

The road to becoming a better person: Gossiping is not a good hobby =[

Wherever there are people, there'll be talks.
And wherever there are talks, sooner or later there'll be gossips too.

I don't understand xinmsn.
1 of their advertisements talks about becoming a better gossiper.
Why would anyone in their right minds want to be a better gossiper????
Don't they know that gossips are not good?
I think it is different if a fan wants to know more about their idol, but.....
I don't think anyone would want to become a better at gossping.

For you who agrees with me that gossiping is an unhealthy activity,
it is not enough to just keep quiet and not join in the talking.
No, you got to stand firm in your opinion.
You have to show your dislike about it.
Either politely asked them to stop talking about this subject,
or leave the group and walk away.

It is hard, because we all want people to like us,
but it is necessary to spread the message.
Stand up and walk off (even if it is in the middle of a conversation) if you have to.
As long as the people get that you dont approve of gossips, its good.
If they starts seeing you in a negative light, then something is not right with your companions.
You need to start looking for people who are not so shallow and be friends with them.

There is a very fine line with a sharing information, a causal talk and gossiping.
The motives behind talking must be clear to conscience.
Talking in order to understand the person better, idle chat to kill time, having fun.
Or speak with intentions of spreading false testimony, rumors, and influence hate/dislike.

I won't learn your hate.

I'm not saying that I'm always a prim and proper person.
I gossip too.
In the past, there was a group of friends whom I really liked.
But I wasn't a very sociable person, I really don't know how to talk to people.
So our chat topic would always be work, or food or making fun of people.
When I realized what I was doing, I stopped myself.
And it seems that they appreciates it too.

As time passes, it'll come very naturally that you'll draw the line very clearly and you will not cross it.
You won't even go near those topics.

The road to becoming a better person. =]


God Bless.

Ephesians 4:29
Don't use foul or abusive language. 
Let everything you say be good and helpful, 
so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Monday 13 August 2012

Just Checking~ (I know you do it too)

When someone waves from a distance, turn back to check if he or she is waving at someone behind you or yourself.

Always checking the phone to see if there are anyone who msg, whatsapp, or facebook you, even when you had just checked it half a minute ago.

When bored at home, open the refrigerator to feel the cool air and check if there is anything to stuff your mouth and your stomach with.

Check the fridge and forgot what you are doing, and end up coming back later to check again.

Check the time on phone and the clock on the wall and then realized that your computer has it too.

Whenever I walk pass a mirror, I'll check the pimples on my face and then my hair.

Before taking a bite of a sandwich or an apple or any food you are eating, check at which angle would give you the most satisfaction monthful.

When you go to the toilet, check if there is any snake coiled around at the bottom.

After you pooped, you would always check that the toilet paper is clean after wiping your butt. If it is not, wipe and check again.

When picking up a phonecall, check who is calling you. Pretend that you are busy if it is someone you don't like or a suspicious number.

When your friend send you a text, you read it two times to make sure you didn't misread it.

Before eating from a pack, check that the food is not expired.

Always check and check again, where your boss is, when you are slacking.

Check your alarm before you sleep, so that you won't need to wake up earlier than you have to the next day.

If you see someone hot on the streets or in the cafe you are at, check them out and tweet about it.

Finish your homework, and double check the answers. (But you don't have to waste your time on this, doing your homework)

When winning your friend in Chinese chess, you checkmate.

When winning your friend in english chess, you checkmate.

When you are on the losing end, you are checkmated.

After watching a horror movie, always check if the evil spirit is with you while you are in the showers washing your hair.
Yes, you'll have to open your eyes to check and let the shampoo sting you.

Always check if there is anything under your bed before you sleep. Bedtime habit of good children.

You are still reading this?

Just checking.

I hope you are bored to death right now. hahahah...

Just joking!

When getting your salary, it's called a pay cheque.

Actually, it's not. I get a payslip and the money goes directly to my bank account.


But still... 

God Bless.
(I'm so bored...)

Thursday 9 August 2012

Crash-Course: What to do in Singapore???


For those of you who haven't been to or had been and will be coming back to Singapore,
there are some important things you have to experience while you are here.
Other than doing business and/or shopping.

And for those who are in Singapore, but haven't done these things yet.
What? Are you kidding me???

Yup, there are a lot to do.

#1 Changi Airport

If by any chance, you are from overseas and coming in by air,
there's high chance that nearly all of you will pass through the infrastructure 
that most Singaporeans are proud of. The Changi Airport! 
You can come here too, even if you are coming by land and sea.
It is open to public(Except for the transit area). =]

Terminal 3

No matter if you are coming from Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Terminal 3 or the Budget Terminal,
make sure to put it in your itinerary to tour around our world-class airport.
Even if you don't have any time, at least make a half to an hour for it.
If you really really don't have the time, at least go to Terminal 3, 
our latest, newest, greenest airport in Singapore.
All the terminals are linked with the skytrains and shutter bus, so it's no excuse not to go there.
If you are directionally challenged, just ask any of the helpful ladies at the information counter.
You can get a candy while you are at it.

Yes, you can do your shopping but you just got here! What's the hurry?
Or you could be on your way back, waiting for your flight and had nothing to do...

1.   Go there, take a seat (there's plenty), get a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the indoor greenery,
Go Green!

2.   Feel at home with the nice carpet, looks so comfortable and tempts you to just lay on the floor
and sleep there, it'll probably be nicer than the budget hotels you booked.
(If you did book a budget hotel).

3.   Linger awhile longer, stay cool and enjoy the air-con and crowd-less-ness,
you'll start perspiring the moment you step outside (No kidding!),
and there won't be anywhere else that would allow you to have so much space to yourself.
(Especially if you are going shopping)

AND OF COURSE! Who would forget?
4.   Please use our airport toilets!
I don't know why, but I'm really proud of our airport toilets.
Just go in there, wash your hands, refresh your makeup, comb you hair, pee, poo
look at yourself in the mirror, whatever.

#2 Food (Hawker Centre)

Another thing that we Singaporeans are proud of, our food.
Whichever country you go to, how else to experience one's culture?
Whoever you approached in Singapore and ask what food they recommend,
the answer will always be...
      Chicken Rice

      Chili Crab
Yes, they are good food that represents us, but don't you think it is a little overused?
Also, there is much much more to that in Singapore's food culture.
      • Bah Kut Teh
      • Fried Kway Teow
      • Satay
      • Bubble tea (Koi and Gong Cha are trending right now)  
      • Sambal Sotong/Stingray
      • Roti Prata 
      • Rojak
      • Laska
      • Prawn Noodles
      • Hokkien Mee
      • Wanton Mee
      • Ba Chor Mee
      • Curry Puffs
      • Pandan Cake
      • Carrot Cake (The fried ones)
      • Ice Ka Chiang
      • Curry Fish Head
      • Fish Head Steamboat soup
      • the list is much longer...

In Singapore, the most common places where we eat is the hawker center,
or the coffeeshop, also widely known as kopitiam.
Most of them would be selling food from the list above.

It is a big eating place with lots of stores.
They'll usually have a specialized noodle store, chicken rice store, Malay food store,
drinks store, desserts store, Japanese food store, Korean food store, economic rice store,
Indian food store, I have also been seeing more and more of the Philippines food store....
It demonstrates our multi-culture and multi-racial society.

There are over a hundred of coffeeshops over the island!
Obviously, food is not any problem to us. There is never a lack of food.
However, as human beings, we know how and we love to differentiated good food from better food
and the Number 1s in Singapore.

Of course, it is depends a lot on personal taste.
My dad says that the good food in Singapore are spread all over different hawker centers in Singapore.
Without a doubt, the chicken rice store near my house will not taste the same as the one 5 blocks away.
And the Ba Chor Mee will also be very different for every Ba Chor Mee store in Singapore.
That is a lot of stores.

I am no pro to tell you where you should go to if you want to eat carrot cake or roti prata,
but if you do find any food that interest you or anything that you want to try,
hop in a taxi and ask the driver uncle.
There is a high chance that they would know where the good and cheap food is,
since they are always on the go.

Don't say you have been to Singapore if you haven't tried any of our food!

#3 King and Queen of fruits: Durian and Mangosteen

Food again, okay, but it is fruits this time.
Durian and Mangosteen, they are not called the Kings and Queens for no reason.
Actually the shape of the fruits could be reasons enough, but I don't think that's all.



Singapore is right on the line of the Equator. (Not exactly but still.. it's near)
Best region for topical fruits! There are others too, like pineapple or rambutan, etc.
But durians and mangosteens are unique.

Personally I got the fear of mangosteen, but it doesn't change the fact that you should try it.
Also, durian is so significant to us that one of our favorite landmark is built with the inspiration of it.

The Esplanade, Theaters on the Bay

Don't forget to drink lots of water cause of the hot and humid weather, and also durians are heaty.
You can also try coconut juice or sugar cane juice or glass jelly drink.

#4 MacDonald

Food again? Cos' it's what keeping you alive. It's important!

When you are away from your country, fast food will be the easiest way to connect back to home.
It is also the easiest choice one could make in an unknown place,
where the food culture is unknown to you (where they might make you eat weird things).

And speaking of fast food, who else would I talk about other than MacDonald?!?
Who don't have MacDonald in their country?

I'm don't know where you are reading this from,
but Singapore's MacDonald's menu is a whole lot lesser compared to other countries like UK or USA,
the menus should be more similar if you are from around Asia.

But to us, it really doesn't matter no matter how limited the menu is.
Even if we go to MacDonald and eat the same meal every single time, we would gladly eat it.
BECAUSE TO US, it's all about the sauce!

Curry sauce!
It used to be free, but now they are charging. Damned.
Who cares? We are Singaporeans and we love our curry.
I know that there are more sauce out there but seriously?
Curry sauce! Hands down!
You don't agree? You wanna see war?

There was almost a riot when curry sauce went out-of-stock national wide sometime ago.
It is that serious.

So some things to do and try out while you are here. =]
If you are already here and you have yet to try it...
Are you an alien or do you live under a rock?

Hope that it is useful to you, and enjoy your trip! (If you are coming~)
If you are planning a trip and haven't decided on where to go, come to Singapore!

Happy 47th Birthday, Singapore!

God Bless~

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The little red dot: Oie! We're here la!!!

In commemoration of Singapore's 47th birthday tomorrow.

For some of you who might not know.
I'm from Singapore, and I'm proud to be a Singaporean!

Although Singapore is ranked 1st as the city with the best investment potential (August 2011), 
4th on the Economist Intelligence Unit's Asia Most Livable City survey,
1st on Gallup's Potential Net Migration Index,
No. 1 for Asian expatriates in 2010 on ECA International’s Location Ratings Survey,
15th most livable city worldwide in the Monocle livable city index,
constantly ranking among the top for easiest place to do Business and for shopping,
many people still do not know where excatly are we.
Why? Why? Why?


Notice that there is a border? It proves that we are not part of Malaysia.

Again, it looks like part of Malaysia, but I swear, it is not.

Blessed to be protected by larger countries surrounding us, guarding us from potential natural disaster.


I know, you can't see us. I can't see us too. But it is somewhere there...

From East to West, with lots of delays and traffic jams, it'll take probably 2 hrs 30 mins.
Yes, we are small.
麻雀虽小 五脏俱全.

So now that you know where we are, please help me to give a slap in the face to anyone who ever tells you that Singapore is in China or Malaysia. (Just Kidding~                                                                  ... not really)

Due to being so tiny, we are proud to call Singapore, the little red dot.

Our National flag looks like this.

And whenever National's day is coming, everyone would hang the flag outside their apartments.
(Even those HDB flats that has nobody living in... o0)

And also, last but not least, we have our National anthem. Majulah Singapura.
We would sing this song everyday, rain or shine, during our time as students in school.
Our local TV channel, Channel U, also play this song everyday before their first program and after their last program.

So glad and fortunate to be born here!

God Bless!!!

Monday 6 August 2012

People: The Major Frustration at Work (Or anywhere else)

Of course, it is just one of the many problems we face when we are working (or anywhere else).
But it is the most frustrating, most damning, most irriatingly annoying bother you could ever know.


They always manage to find ways to poke at you,
making you want to pull out your hair,
bury them deep down into the earth,
turn them into back into babies,
scream some sense into them,
cut off their tongues,
shut down your brain,
pour sleeping powder over them to make them go to sleep and hopefully never wake up.
And face palm.

I'm telling you, even a nice person like me don't have the patience to handle such exasperating creatures!
Really! Sometimes, they are just a big pain in the ***.
Be it your boss, colleagues, customers, family and people whom you call friends.

Now that the truth is out, I feel more relieved and calmed.

As I was saying, People are really difficult to handle.
At least, for me, at my work place.

Example #1

It is your job to pass on a message, and this person simply can't hear you.
The first time I repeat, probably because I spoke too softly.
The second time I repeat, probably because I spoke too fast that he didn't catch me.
The third time I repeat, probably due to his older age, he is a little deaf.
The fourth time I repeat, did i say something wrongly?
The fifth time I repeat, I shall be patient.
The sixth time I repeat, I give up, I'll write instead.

Why can't they just get it?

Example #2

I'm really busy now, so I'll get back to you later.
So much to do, so little time.
Don't even have time to drink some water or go to the toilet.
*Yells my name across the office* Heck, you are not even my boss!
Put down the things I am doing, walked over and asked what's wrong.
Asked a question and I answered. All good, I'll go back.
*Sit down* Alright, where was I?
*Yells my name across the office again*
And the cycle continues.

This lady is not my boss, we are in a totally different department.
She cannot wait.
Even if you are on the phone, she'll just scream her question at you till you answered her
(Even when she knows that you are on the phone).
And most importantly, I am not your dog.
Don't call my name and make me come to you.
If you have a question, come to me with a 'please' and 'thank you'.
She makes me want to pull all her hair out from her head.

Example #3

Just because I'm young (and look even younger),
it doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing, or what you are doing.
There is this elder lady cleaning for my company.
She has been here for many many years.
She nice, always smiling, sometimes she makes desserts and lunch for us.

But her words kills, and she would always finish her blow with a smile.
Please, I'm not sure what you are trying to do by constantly putting me down.
But I don't think I am your personal entertainment or joke for the day.

Of course, I always takes pride in being a nice person, so I was being very accommodating.
Maybe it is because she doesn't have anyone to talk to.
Maybe because I'm new and she does not open up easily to outsiders.
Maybe she is just lonely and needs some attention.
Maybe she is too bored and had nothing else better to do.
Maybe she does not mean to say it the way I had interpreted.
Maybe I think too much.
Maybe right?

I'm been taking hits for 3 months.
And the wall is on the verge of breaking.

Makes me want to cry.

God's second commandment.
Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Even though they are being not very nice?

Even though they are always finding trouble with you?

Even though they are picking at you and waiting for you to make a mistake, so that they can make your life miserable?

It is easy to love the loveable.
But it takes courage, love for God, to love the unloveables.
Love God's people, intentionally.

Can I love the whole world and hate a few?
I wish God would say yes to that too.
I'm a human too. I complain too. I make judgements too.

But since my God loves them so much...
Loving people is so hard
I'll try again =/

Dear God,
Help me love your people, the way you want me to.

Sunday 5 August 2012

A Student Gratitude (A Late Appreciation)

Sometime ago, the topic of educators came up in my church.
It made me remember how I was as a student.
To all educators out there, passionate to teach your student not only what's in the textbook,
but also the character, life, respect for ourselves and the rest of the world.
From deep down in my heart, I take my hats off to you.

I wasn't exactly a good student.
I don't have the habit to do homework.
I hate homework.
I have attempted to sit down and do my homework,
but I don't think I have ever finished one with all questions answered.
Well, even if there is one, the answers are rubbish.
It gave my teachers a big headache. 
Ever since primary school to secondary till poly, right till I graduate with my diploma.
Yup, I wasn't exactly a good student.

I wasn't that bad a student to be involved in fights, smoking, disrespect or other problems.
In fact, I became a student councilor in secondary school (despite not doing any homework).
I'm really a nice person, just one who don't do homework.

At times, I would just try to skip lectures in poly.
Brought a lot of trouble to my friends because the lecturers keep asking them where the heck am I...
(Sorry guys!)
Nevertheless, I became my club's president in year 3.
Well, the leaders and main committee are not chosen by teachers but by the previous leaders and main comm members.
But still... I'm not a bad student.

My teachers, some were good, others not that nice.
Some left a scar and quite a few left an overwhelming gratitude that I don't know how to express.

Let's start with this scar of mine.
It happened when I'm in primary 3 or 4.
As usual, I didn't do my homework. I told this teacher that I didn't bring.
In which, I really didn't.
He gave me his phone to call home so that someone at home will bring it to school for me.
At that time, my house phone number just changed and I had trouble remembering it.
And ended up giving the wrong number.

I guess he thought that I was lying to him, got yelled in a quite awful way, in front of the whole class.
I don't remember what he said, if he had hit me or if it's the whiteboard he hit,
but there are some things that I just can't forget.
That teacher was kind of big in size, deep frown, loud voice. Like an angry bear.
For a primary 3 little girl, I assure you, it is scary.
I think I cried a lot then, till now, I still won't try to approach that teacher.
Although I remember that before that, I quite like that teacher.
This one incident had broke all connection and turned respect into fear.

A pity actually, because he is really a good teacher. =[

Dear teachers, I ask of you to be a little more patient. Teachers are not easy to be, but you choose the job. It will impact many lives and it is up to you to make a difference or you can let the chance go.
Thank you for your continuous supervision on our grades and character.

Many teachers, teach for the sack of teaching.
And ever-so-often, students would be place under the care of a teacher who teach to inspire a change or to motivate them. Those teachers who truly deserve a gold medal.
Thank God, I have met quite a few.

Most memorable ones were in my secondary school.

As always, I was still not doing my homework.
But very very surprisingly, my grades were not that bad.
Sometimes did well, and very often on the border line.

There was this time when I did extremely badly for a social studies test.
Oh man, this teacher called me to look for her during lunch break.
I was freaking scared. She told me to look for her in a you-are-going-to-get-it tone.
So I went, I thought I was going to be scolded and much to my surprise.
She asked me quite calmly what happened to me.
We sat down together and she helped me figured out what is really wrong with me.
And decided that I can't remember the things in the textbook, so she made me buy a notebook and write notes.

I never knew I love writing. Even if it is just copying what on the textbook.
Ever since then, I write notes for all my subject.
I still don't do homework, but I write notes to study for my exams.

What impacted me, is the patience and a heart that cared enough to talk.
It also made me realized that this teacher didn't give up on me.
Thank you, Ms Stephanie Choo.
Although I don't like History or Social Studies, I really liked this teacher. =]

In my family, I am the middle child.
Both my older brother and younger sister did way better than me academically.
I didn't know when it started, but my parents gave up on me in my studies.
They always tell me it will be good enough if I'll just pass.
I thought that it is good, because I won't need to be stress over school.

No, it is not good.
I didn't think so deep into it, and I didn't know how it was actually affecting me.
I can say that it is really bad.
No, It is really not good.

Dear parents, teaching is not just the work of the teachers. Your kids' first teachers are you, yourself.
If even you give up on them, who would they find hope from?

Thank you for my dear teachers, for not giving up on me even though I do not ever do homework.
And thank you for all your patience, although it was already though on you to be facing so many students at the same time, and sometimes also dealing with unreasonable parents.

Being a teacher is hard work, impacting lives and teach what life is are harder work.